Proposed Resolution of No Confidence in the Leadership of President Ronald Nowaczyk

We have created this draft to inspire conversation at the Faculty Assembly, and to provide direction to the Senate if we go to a no confidence vote. Please consider it a working draft.

        --Concerned Frostburg Faculty Members

Proposed Resolution of No Confidence in the Leadership of President Ronald Nowaczyk
Frostburg State University

WHEREAS we affirm our sympathy for President Nowaczyk as he heals and our commitment to the protections afforded by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

WHEREAS we affirm, with USM policy I-6.00 that “shared governance procedures and principles apply to all levels within USM,” that the Faculty assembly has a responsibility to hold the administration accountable for the effective and ethical leadership of the University.

WHEREAS we affirm the need for a fiscally responsible and visionary leader who understands the importance of a comprehensive regional university education and the responsibility of our University to its students as well as the residents, taxpayers, and youth of the region and of the state of Maryland.

WHEREAS we affirm the need to put the academic interests of students first in our institutional decision making.

WHEREAS we affirm that tough budgetary decisions do need to be made in this time of budget crisis. 

WHEREAS we affirm a commitment to transparency and fact-based decision making, and we welcome documentable and verifiable corrections to claims. We value the attention to the principles and issues in support of these grievances.

WHEREAS President Ronald Nowaczyk and his administration have been poor stewards of the University’s finances. 

  • Moved the university from DIII to DII athletics despite projecting budget shortfalls since the beginning of his tenure. In Fall 2023 alone, Athletics indicated to its advisory council that it accrued a $500,000 deficit year to date.

  • Mismanaged the Oracle software, specifically the auto-packaging feature, leading to student loans, grants, scholarships, alternative loans, and other external sources that were not applied to financial aid packages leading to severe complications for numerous students.

  • Failed to oversee grant initiatives, as when Dean Boyce Williams (PI) was approved to submit a $3,500,000 Teacher Quality Partnership Project Grant to the Department of Education that was related to a major that did not yet exist, did not have adequate faculty support, lacked established partnerships, and did not include appropriate allocation of resources [1]. 

WHEREAS President Ronald Nowaczyk and his administration have mismanaged student recruitment.

  • Failed to provide adequate leadership of Admissions and Financial Aid Offices, resulting in mismanagement and confusion contributing to a loss of enrollment.

WHEREAS President Ronald Nowaczyk has failed to develop a high-quality administrative and managerial infrastructure.

  • Increased 21 management/professional positions while FSU has decreased by 72 faculty positions, 32 graduate assistant positions, 42 office support and clerical positions, and 32 service/maintenance positions [2].

  • Cycled through Deans, Provosts, and Vice Presidents hired through consultant-run national searches, who were eventually fired or urged to resign by the Nowaczyk administration for reasons ranging from fiscal mismanagement to creating toxic work environments [3].

WHEREAS President Ronald Nowaczyk has failed to ensure functional and safe facilities. 

  • Provide appropriate oversight to the building of the Brownsville Dorm, leading to long-term closure [4].

  • Ensure all departments are located in ADA-compliant buildings.

  • Maintain older buildings on campus, including Old Main, Cambridge Hall [5], Brady Health Center, and Lowndes.

WHEREAS dissatisfaction among faculty has been growing over the past years, as made evident in the Faculty Morale Surveys of 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, and the Faculty Involvement Survey of 2022. 

WHEREAS the dissatisfaction and mistrust among faculty have been exacerbated by President Nowaczyk’s decision to make sweeping institutional changes in a time of year-after-year budget crisis often with a disregard for shared governance by making these major decisions without involving the Faculty Senate or other stakeholders or ignoring recommendations from these bodies. 

  • The July 1, 2023, College Realignment that changed the College of Liberal Arts and Science (CLAS), the College of Business (COB), and the College of Education (COE) to the College of Business, Engineering, and Computational & Mathematical Sciences (BECMS), the College of Education, Health & Natural Sciences (CEHNS), and the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social & Behavioral Sciences (CAHSBS).

  • The August 7, 2023, announcement of a new budget management approach that tasked the Vice Presidents with making all operational decisions and placed the VPs in charge of a percentage of the overall university budget. This new budget approach changed expense approval procedures, resulting in purchase delays, late payments, and some coordinators and directors faced additional program budget cuts because the administration made the decision to pull their stipends from their already reduced budgets.  

WHEREAS the faculty has repeatedly and consistently brought their concerns to President Ronald Nowaczyk Faculty Senate meetings, Faculty Assemblies, budget transparency meetings, and in the May 3, 2023 Senate “Resolution for a Transparent, Collegial, and Inclusive Work Environment.” 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the faculty of Frostburg State University expresses a vote of no confidence in the leadership of President Ronald Nowaczyk.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Faculty Assembly calls on the Chancellor and the Board of Regents to take appropriate action to address the concerns outlined above. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Chancellor, the Board of Regents, President Ronald Nowaczyk, and the faculty, staff, and students of Frostburg State University. 

[1] FSU Awarded $3.5 Million Grant for Teacher Quality Partnership Project.” (March 23, 2023). FSU University News.
[2] Statewide Personnel by Occupation Category.” USM Data Journals.
[3] Select examples: “Students React To Vice President’s Ouster, Status Of Administrative Restructuring.The Bottom Line. (August 1, 2020); “Interim Director Of Admissions Resigns After Eight Days,” The Bottom Line. (February 11, 2020); “Throop Steps Down As Provost,The Bottom Line. (May 17, 2020); “Hixson Named Dean of Frostburg State University’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,” (April 1, 2019).
[4] A Living Nightmare: Brownsville Pipe Burst,” The Bottom Line. (March 3, 2023).
[5]  Students Organize In Response To Cambridge Hall Closure.” The Bottom Line. (September 28, 2018).


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